Monday, August 17, 2015


A quick post whilst baby bear is sleeping :)

I'm still(!) trying to master the balance between having a career and being a mom. It's tough right? Trying to keep to my work challenges (and taking on new ones - am I mad?!?), along with taking care of the house and a (fast approaching one-year-old) baby boy.  That, with going to the gym (fallen down a bit here) and trying to look like my pre-baby self - wow - it takes a lot of work.  I was also studying, but you know what? That had to give. I just couldn't do it all, so it's on the back burner for now :)

I've also come to the conclusion that not everything has to be perfect. Some days will be great and other days not so great. And that's okay.

So here is a stunning place in Brittany that I found over on Est magazine. Don't you just love that Vipp kitchen?

Images: Est with thanks

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