Monday, December 7, 2015


I'm so sorry that this advent giveaway has been so sporadic and absent. Felix Bear has been unwell and it's been a bit of a struggle balancing everything and being able to post! Anyway, I'm sure you will be so happy with this giveaway - which I will leave open for a few days! My lovely sponsor I Dream Elephants is offering this very cute storage bag from TELLKIDDO. To enter, please hop over to the store and tell me your three favourite items - from anywhere on the store - that won't be easy everything is pretty much gorgeous!  Please leave your comment on this post. Thank you and good luck!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Day 1 of my advent giveaway. I'm am offering something from my own store Story North. A gorgeous neon pink elf that would love to come and spend christmas with you!

To enter, please comment on this post and tell me where your elf would live.  Entrants welcome from everywhere :)

Friday, November 27, 2015


I absolutely adore this paining by Mia Linnman. It just feels so alive.

Happy Friday lovely people!

Image: The Frisky One, by Mia Linnman

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


A dark treat for you all on this lovely monday afternoon. Not that I'm feeling dark at all - actually quite the opposite. Yep I'm feeling more in control than I have for a long time. We have finally moved into our new place, back on the south coast of England (100 meters from the beach). I've set up the house (more or less) and my office (more or less). We have a new nanny and Felix is signed up for a couple of days of nursery (eek!), so I can officially now work. Thank goodness - it will no longer be a balancing act of trying to squeeze in an email or two whilst he's napping.... as we all know it's impossible to try and do anything when they are around. I wouldn't have it any other way - spending time with him is so amazing and precious - I love every second of it. However I need to be someone else too. Now I am both :)

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


I just love everything over on this fabulous webshop. Rowdy Roddy Vintage is my newest sponsor and I am so happy that they've come on board. They have curated a fantastic, eclectic collection and my goodness they have SO many christmas pressie ideas! Hop over now to take a look!

Welcome guys!

Cushion | Advent Calander | Mobile | Book | Hat | Cushion

Monday, November 9, 2015


Spotted this gorgeous image the other day - I love that Tipi (Felix has a similar one) and of course the Cross blanket is a beautiful addition (that's the large one....).  Pia Wallens Cross blankets are selling as well as ever and we have new stock in for the festive season when it all goes a bit crazy!

Pia Wallen Cross Blanket - Available at Story North with fixed price shipping worldwide.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I love the fine details of this house, a personal gallery of Katrine and Jakon  specifically designed with their children in mind. Black, white, natural materials, personal artwork, a bit of glamour and plenty of books - my kind of interior ;)

Images: Christoffer Regild, via Bo Bedre No

Friday, October 23, 2015


 I Love this cabinet that was designed by Per Olav Solvberg for Superfront. This along with others is being auctioned off for charity.  All proceeds go to RNK's telethon for the Rainforest.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


....of Iceland today. I miss my friends and family but also need a nature fix in arguably the most beautiful piece of land on earth.

Image: Photographer unknown (please let me know, if you know)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


SO looking forward to our trip to New York in a few weeks. We are leaving Felix at home with my parents while we spend 5 days enjoying the city. Couple time is so precious and lovely - we are actually really good at making sure we have plenty of it - it's so important!

Image: By me

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Beautiful recipe and imagery from lovely blog Call Me Cupcake. So, it's now autumn and I'm loving it. Time to start cooking lovely warming meals, wearing scarfs and taking walks in the beautiful parks of Haarlem and Amsterdam. Not for long though - we won't have our holiday home in the Netherlands for much longer. This is the end of an era - we will be back in the UK full time in a couple of weeks. We may buy something here in Haarlem in the future though, it means so much to us (Felix bear was born here) and to say we love this beautiful place is an understatement *sigh*

Thursday, September 24, 2015


My lovely sponsor Oggetto is exhibiting at Design Junction, which is part of London Design Festival. Their pop-up shop is in Victoria House, 37 Southampton Row, London WC1B 4DA. Stand number V16A. If you're in the area, pop over and have a look!


It's no surprise to me that the home the owner of the label Rag and Bone has  a beautiful place. This is his family home in the Hamptons. Wouldn't mind retreating there from the city every weekend.I'm home sweet home after 2 weeks in Miami. As nice as it was - it's lovely to be away from the heat and of course it's always lovely to be home.Images: Bo Bedre No

Thursday, September 10, 2015


My lovely newest sponsor! Welcome I Dream Elephants.

This gorgeous online store has some absolutely gorgeous things - pop on over and get tempted :)

I Dream Elephants

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Autumn is just around the corner lovely people and it's no secret that it's my favourite time of the year. Nearly time to get cosy :)

Image: From one of my favourite blogs - Still. With thanks Mary Jo :)

Monday, August 31, 2015


I can't get enough of Japanese interiors (and exteriors) and it's unbelievable to me that I still haven't managed to get there.  But Japan is on the list and it will happen. It's a baby-friendly place, so we can reserve that trip as a family one.  Lots of travelling is on the agenda in the coming year, mostly with Felix, but maybe a few days here and there just James and I.  Grown-up, couple time is very precious and I absolutely love it, plus it gives my mum the chance to have Felix to herself for a few days and she loves that :)

Images: 1 | 2 | 3


Felix Bears first hard sole shoes! He has a few pairs of Mocasins, but these are going to be really great for the next few months as he is walking (aided at the moment) everywhere. They are made by Dutch brand Donsje and I just love them.

Image: By me

Friday, August 28, 2015


A new regular post, I think :)  Hopefully it will be a great way of showing you some favourite pieces from my shop Story North. Also it's good to let you know about any special offers or promotions.

So we begin with the Wood Lamp by Muuto by Taf Architects. I just love this lamp, so simple and so cool. We sold a few to an architects office this week - I'm sure they look great :)

Wood Lamp by Muuto£135.00


So my baby bear turned one last week! It's a cliche, but wow doesn't time fly when you're having fun :) We celebrated here in the Netherlands with a few of his little friends and then we had a birthday party back in the UK. It was so much fun, he enjoyed it but was slightly serious because his first tooth broke through the next day! What an amazing year this has been, I'm so excited to see what happens next.

Monday, August 17, 2015


A quick post whilst baby bear is sleeping :)

I'm still(!) trying to master the balance between having a career and being a mom. It's tough right? Trying to keep to my work challenges (and taking on new ones - am I mad?!?), along with taking care of the house and a (fast approaching one-year-old) baby boy.  That, with going to the gym (fallen down a bit here) and trying to look like my pre-baby self - wow - it takes a lot of work.  I was also studying, but you know what? That had to give. I just couldn't do it all, so it's on the back burner for now :)

I've also come to the conclusion that not everything has to be perfect. Some days will be great and other days not so great. And that's okay.

So here is a stunning place in Brittany that I found over on Est magazine. Don't you just love that Vipp kitchen?

Images: Est with thanks

Friday, August 14, 2015


Anyone that knows me will tell you that I love to cook. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen and really enjoy it - it relaxes me. I need one of these. I cook lots of Middle Eastern/North African dishes, my favourite being chicken with preserved lemons and olives (had it for the first time in Marrakech).  This beauty is on my shopping list and it won't be long before I'm cooking in my new tagine.

So it's nearly the weekend....I have a busy one here in Haarlem - then its back to UK for a while. What are your plans? Relax...? Adventure...? Vacation...? Whatever it is...enjoy :)

Available at: Oggetto

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


These beautiful prints by Gregory Beauchamp are new in at Story North. I ordered one a while ago and decided that they are so beautiful they just had to be part of the collection.

Available at: Story North

Monday, August 10, 2015


I've been looking for birthday cake ideas for Felix's first birthday and I came across this gorgeous one. I really don't like those cakes that have the hard icing and all sorts of things sat on the top made of that same icing - surely not nice to eat..... No, I love the natural, rustic style of this one with soft buttercream. Maybe I'll do two layers and yes we have plenty of zoo animals :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Already pre-ordered - Kinfolk Home is undoubtably going to be stunning and is out in September.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


A favourite designer of mine. Anja Schwerbrock. Her baby clothes are so nice. I met her and picked up a couple of pieces in Antwerp last weekend.

Image: Via, with thanks


Absolute beauty by Shinje Ohmaki

Via: Grijs with thanks


I just spent an amazing night in Antwerp with my love. We left Felix with my mum and spent the day drinking coffee, eating mussels, shopping and drinking pink Champagne. We stayed at a really lovely place called Maision Nationale - just fantastic. We will be going back (soon). LOVE Antwerp!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Friday, July 10, 2015


 This divine home landed in my inbox this morning courtesy of Est Magazine, so I simply had to share. A small but absolutely beautiful space, created by Meme Design.

Days where I get to sit and post are getting few and far between as I'm still trying to master the art of juggling life! I'm getting there and my goodness the journey is tiring but too wonderful for words. It's Friday lovely people - Do you have that Friday feeling? Enjoy!

Images: Est Magazine

Photography: Tom Blachford & Sonia Mangipane