Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Are you on Facebook and Pinterest? Want to enter my giveaway? Hop over to my stores Facebook page and enter. The prize is a beautiful By Nord Copenhagen bedlinen set. Winner to be announced one week from today. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Wow this year has flown by. Are you getting ready for Christmas? I feel like I'm not at all organised this year! We made an advent calendar which is full of lovely little gifts - our little bear is so excited to wake up each morning, it's too cute. I need to make my Christmas cake, cookies, and we need to try and find our christmas decorations, which are buried somewhere - we are living between our small apartment and storage (while we look for a house) and I have no idea where they all are!

Are you all organised? Please make me feel better and tell me you're as disorganised as I am :)

Image: By me.

Thursday, December 1, 2016