Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Wintery still life by Mary Jo Hoffman of Still Blog.  Needless to say - I love her work.

How's the weather where you are? Wintery? Wet? We have some crazy weather today - stormy and rainy - I can hear the waves crashing here in my office *Cosy days*

Monday, January 25, 2016


 A nice treat for you this lovely Monday afternoon! What an inspirational space. Gorgeous high ceilings, huge windows, vintage furniture and I just love the leaning art work.  I hope you all had a great weekend! I had a lovely time - I spent it in Haarlem with my love, catching up with friends and drinking coffee....It was just great.

Images: Birgitta Wolfgang Dreyer, Sisters Agency, via Bo Bedre with thanks

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Gorgeous friends of mine Tim and Tómas have just renovated their stunning old house situated in Akureyri (north of Iceland). They have truly worked some magic in this place - and I for one, cannot wait to go and stay there. They've mastered the delicate balance of keeping things traditional and cosy whilst finishing in a modern, minimalistic style. 

Akureyri is a beautiful city - it is known as "the capital of the north" and it is surrounded by amazing  nature. They are taking bookings now, so if you have a trip to Iceland planned this year (so many people are visiting right now) - you must include this little gem on your itinerary. 

Images: Landleit with thanks.


My good friend Mel snapped this of my baby bear the other day.  His eyes look so dark in this picture....Life is great at the moment (apart from a bout of cold that we've all had - for about a month).  The work/mamma balance is working out really well. I feel like I've found my flow and I finally feel satisfied that I'm putting enough into both.  Felix is changing so much and becoming a really funny, adorable, kind little boy. He's full of energy and definitely has his daddy's cheekiness - seriously he makes my heart melt every day. I really do feel like the luckiest girl in the world. 

Friday, January 15, 2016


Some new characters have joined our collection at Story North.  Toto the Totem Toy is designed by Rock and Pebble and each has been handmade from solid maple in the US. Don't you just love?

You can see more here

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I love this raw, minimal design by architects Georg Nickish and Selina Walder and *sigh* the view from that bath is something else.  Could I live something so stark? Yep I think maybe I could....

Images: Via here and here with thanks.


The latest addition to our home. The Mariposa butterfly chair is handcrafted with Argentinian leather by Cuero Design in Sweden. We went for the natural leather and black legs as shown here.
Image: Cuero Design, with thanks. 

Friday, January 8, 2016


Some light filled interiors for you this morning. I lean towards more contrast in my interiors these days, but actually you really cannot go wrong with interiors swathed in this much light. Happy Friday lovely people!
Images: 1 | 2 | 3 

Monday, January 4, 2016


Wow it's here. 2016. It's just unbelievable, how time passes.  So Happy New Year lovely readers! Did you have a good holiday break? Mine was just lovely. Lots of family and friend time - just perfect :)

I'm not going to write a long list of new years resolutions, because throughout the year I'm always trying to improve, be more efficient, get fitter, perfect everything a little more! The list goes on.....  But one of my aims is to post more often. My blog takes a hit when I have lots going on (evident in this past advent giveaway). Now is one of those times as the shop is really busy and I am working on a couple of interior projects. It's all good and I am very lucky, but my blog is such a major part of my personal and professional life, that I have to give it some love! So lovely people, thanks for sticking by whilst the posting has been sparse. I endeavour to serve you better!