Monday, October 20, 2014


Featured in Kinfolk, I just had to post on here. Loving the raw "unfinished" finish. Just perfect for a holiday home...

Images: Kinfolk

Thursday, October 9, 2014


One of my lovely long term sponsors Danish Design Store is having their annual fall sale starting from today. There are huge discounts and free shipping, so if you are looking for a beautiful Danish piece (maybe something that you've been hankering after for some time), it's worth taking a look.

Monday, October 6, 2014


I'm looking for a new desk and this one is definitely in the running.  The CPH30 Copenhague desk by Hay is just right. Now I need to consider the size, I need something big enough, but not too big. Maybe the CPH10 would be better as it's a bit smaller.

Available from: Danish Design Store

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

FELIX 21.8.14

I'm guessing you may have gathered something was going on as I've been so absent (and you may have have seen a couple of shots over on my Instagram) Yep we have been busy welcoming our little prince into the world and we couldn't be happier. It was all rather dramatic, we were due to travel from our holiday home in Haarlem (Netherlands) back home to London to have him, but the night before I started getting worried as I felt very little movement. Popped in to the local hospital to get checked over and the next thing we know we are having an emergency c-section. The hospital was totally amazing - in hindsight, it was the best place to have him. He was in the NICU for 9 days as he was 4 weeks early, but now at 6 weeks old, he is a beautiful healthy bundle of love and I seriously cannot get enough of him. The sleep deprivation is worth it! I feel totally calm, complete and ecstatically happy.