Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Are you ready for something a little different on this blog? 

The fall is a great time to be motivated
and inspired with new catalogues, collections and, well, generally new things.
This time of year also kickstarts cosy, homely feelings, when we all start to
hibernate a little more. The weather starts being a bit more unpredictable and
to me when the weather gets cold, rainy and blustery it just makes me feel like
an even smaller, more vulnerable person on this huge planet of ours, always at
the mercy of our beautiful nature.

This fall, IKEA is launching their new
catalogue along side something really amazing - a time travel experiment.  IKEA gave some of their customers the
opportunity to experience their future. How? Well, world-renowned hypnotist,
Justin Tranz put young couples into a hypnotic trance before presenting them
with life-changing every day events in bedrooms and bathrooms, the rooms where the day begins and ends....

The idea is that those big moments that
happen in all our lives have a dramatic affect on how we live and how we live
has a dramatic affect on how our homes evolve.

Take a look at this video which films Adam and Sofi dealing with various milestones in their daughters life, I think it's absolutely fascinating and so clever.  I'd love to hear what you think.

Some words from Johan Wickmark, catalogue manager at IKEA...“At IKEA, we believe that life happens
everyday. That it’s on those seemingly ordinary days the magic happens, when life
takes shape and changes, and it’s for those moments we create our products and

Monday, August 18, 2014


 I came across this really nice kids bedroom over on Weekday Carnival. I really love the details, like the vintage wardrobe, pink and grey wall and the bare bulb string lights -  love those bed-linens too - in fact it's all rather nice :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014


I'm loving these A/W 2014 shots from House Doctor. Whilst they have an A/W feel to them, they still feel fresh and bright. The nude pink and brass get my vote :)

Images: Via with thanks

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Well the blogosphere is filling up with A/W 14 new collection shots and I must say I aways look forward to this part of the year. But at the same time we have to enjoy these last few weeks of summer and I think these images capture these hazy August days perfectly.

Images: 1 | 2 | 3

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


So we have 1 month left (to the day) until our baby is due to be welcomed into this world. I am so excited to meet this little one, to see his/her little face, to hold him/her, to, well just be a mamma.  In celebration of our new addition, I wanted to host a really nice giveaway for a month, offering a few beautiful baby pieces from my shop Story North.  

All you need to do to enter is like Story North on Facebook and leave a comment here under this post.

This is open to everyone. Good luck!

Included in this Giveaway are: Mini Cross Blanket by Pia Wallen | Raven Hanger by Ingibjorg Hanna | Parent and Child Birds by Architect Made | Baby Hedgehog Bed Linen by Bynord

Congratulations Sarah from Herfordshire, England, I hope you enjoy your beautiful pieces!


I like. I saw a sneak preview of her A/W 14 work (showing at Formex) and I love it.

Images: Helena Blom

Thursday, August 7, 2014

70 / 70 Table

I saw how great this table looked over here and wanted to post about it.  Muutos 70/70 table by Taf Architects is so simple and beautiful - the price is pretty great also.

Image: Danish Design Store

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I seriously need to change my summer plans around next year. This place is pure getaway perfection. Don't you think?

Images: Lambs and Lions, with thanks


So with just 6 weeks to go, I'm getting the last pieces organised. I've really enjoyed collecting things for my baby and these are just a few of bits that I love. Some of them I already have and some will come along later.  I'm so excited to meet my precious baby,  I love him/her so much already. This truly is the most special time of my life and we are enjoying every minute of it (even if I am on crutches....).

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5