Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I know Berlin is full of hip, cool stores (must make a trip there soon) and this one is no exception. Simon&me is a very nice store located right in the beautiful Bergmannkiez area of Berlin. It carries it's own label but also other curated finds that they have come across over the years.

Images: Simon&me with thanks.

Monday, July 28, 2014


I love this place and it's perfect relaxed, minimal finish. Just perfect in my eyes :)

Sorry for the lack of posts. I'm finding this last trimester of my pregnancy a bit difficult (compared to the the first two which were a breeze), namely because I cannot walk right now (hip is SO painful). Also we had a scare and I spent a few days in hospital, they thought I was going into premature labour, but luckily that wasn't the case, so I'm back home, happy and releived. This baby needs to stay put for a few more weeks! I'm still loving this pregnancy despite the hurdles, it truly is the most amazing thing I've ever experienced and I am in awe of what my body is doing.

Imgaes: Strandwood HouseVia, with thanks

Thursday, July 10, 2014


You like? I love!! These beautiful clogs are made in Finland out of lovely vegetal leather. Simply perfect.

Available from Vuela Boutique

Thursday, July 3, 2014


The latest post from one of the most beautiful photography blogs out there (in my opinion). Mary Jo, your photos never cease to amaze me. Thank you.

Image: Still Blog

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Image: Via, with thanks


Yes indoor plants are all over the blogosphere at the moment and my house is sure getting more and more green,  I seem to find myself buying a lovely new plant every other day. Well there are worse addictions right?

Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 with thanks