Friday, February 28, 2014


Sarah Bjornson you are the winner of the Pia Wallen Cross Blanket in Grey! Apologies for the late announcement, I am in Paris with no computer. I'll see you all next week! Sarah I'll email you for your address :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Some photos I shot around the house this morning in the beautiful sunshine. This has ben a long, wet winter and spring is teasing us with the odd day of glorious sunshine. Lets hope more bright, warm days are on their way.

In case you are wondering, the wall mounted candle holder is the POV by Menu, the print is by Lina Ekstrand.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 24, 2014


It's no wonder that this piece (designed in 1968) was voted the "worlds most beautiful object"  at the 2009 Pulchra Design Awards. It's been on my wish list forever and I genuinely cannot think of many things more beautiful.

Designed by: Dominique Imbert

Image: Focus

Friday, February 14, 2014


Nothing was grabbing me in terms of foodie inspiration today, so here is something calm and beautiful instead.  Found over on one of the most beautiful Tumblrs out there.  Have a wonderful weekend :)

Images: Via, with thanks

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It's absolutely time for a giveaway here on Lovenordic. I am giving away a Pia Wallen Large Cross Blanket in Grey (It's absolutely stunning in Grey). To enter, please post your Story North wish list in the comment field at the bottom of this post. Don't forget to put your name! I will be picking a winner at random on Thursday 27th February. Good luck lovely people.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


These beautiful images have been around for a while, but I love the details so much, that I wanted to post.  What do you think? Don't you think they are amazing too? I know I've been absent (again!) and I know I promised I was back (again!), but things have just been a bit crazy and sometimes it can be tough to find time to post.  I think I have turned a corner though, so hopefully you will be seeing a bit more of me :)

Photography: Alexander Van Berge

Styling: Marianne Luning