Friday, January 31, 2014


I get so many emails telling me about new projects, but this morning this one really stood out. It's a juice bar in Los Angeles called Juice Served Here. I love what they've done with the space and (speaking with an apple, asparagus and lemon juice in hand) I love that the whole space is dedicated to something so healthy! 

Thursday, January 16, 2014


One of my favourite pieces from the shop, is &Traditions Milk Lamp with black legs. I had a press release with lots of beautifully styled images for their SS14 collection. I'll post some later. Bye for now!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


 this converted fishermans cottage near Copenhagen. A truly stunning home with a lovely character. Do I spy the beautiful Catch Chair by &Tradition? Yes I do and I want.

Photography: Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen, via, with thanks

Styling: Pernille Vest

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


By Johanna Pilfalk. Her work has a beautiful quality to it....and she has a very nice blog too.

Sorry I've been a bit absent, a lot happening here right now :) However,  I'm back and excited to be posting. I've missed you guys!

Styling: Joanna Pilfalk

Photography: Sara Landstedt

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I've been writing a "spotted" post for a while on my shop Story North's blog.  It's a fun feature whereby I spot beautiful Story north products in situ in other people houses. It's so nice to see the pieces in different settings. But I've been coming to the conclusion of late that it's a bit of a waste of time writing different posts for each blog and to be honest the Story North blog gets a raw deal because I just don't have the time for both.  I may as well incorporate both blogs together. So decision made, here is the first "Spotted" over here on Lovenordic.

Image: The beautiful Stella Tea Light Holder by Kahler

Image from: Nina Holst's (of Stylizimo) very lovely home.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy New Year lovely readers! Did you all have an amazing Christmas? Mine was very nice and I was absolutely blown away at the beautiful gift that my boyfriend gave me on Christmas morning. I had previously not been able to think of anything I really wanted and I said, just donate some money to charity. Well, he presented me with the sponsorship of a child in Bangladesh and we have paid for their education for the next year. I was in tears. This truly means more to me than anything material (don't get me wrong I do love material things!) but the sentiment from my beautiful boyfriend will never be forgotten. I love you James ♥ You are a very special person.  On another note, I want to thank you all for reading my blog for the past year, I still can't believe how many people are reading what I have to say each day! I appreciate each and every one of you x

Images: 1(The gorgeous Pia Wallen Cross Blanket) | 2 | 3